The First Case by Brady

Me and my friends (#partners) were at school.
It was recess and we were playing with a little toy when it
suddenly it went missing.  It was as if it went away into thin air. 
I told my partners...
“We have a case “ they said “ok”.  We made a list of
everyone in the class and we asked everyone if they had it.
There was one kid left that we had not asked.  Her name was Jordan.
Brady asked “can we check your backpack?”  She immediately said “NO!”
Brady then asked the teacher if the Investigators could take a look inside Jordan’s backback.  The teacher agreed that they could. The Investigators opened her backpack and began digging around.  Then Ethan pulled out the little toy that had been missing and yelled “I found it.” Lastly the team of Investigators called out 
“CASE CLOSED! And they gathered their belonging to get in bus rider line.


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